ACP sheets are that one material which is widely used all over the world for exterior and interior architecture cladding, false ceilings, signage, etc. Along with making the interior and exterior architecture look classy and aesthetically pleasing, they are also eco-friendly. ACP sheets are made up of material like aluminium, polymer and minerals which are highly recyclable.
Here is how ACP sheets does not at all harms the environment –
1. Cost Effectiveness – The price of aluminium composite panel sheets are quite low. ACP sheets not only adds beauty to interior and exterior architecture, but are also recyclable which causes minimum damage to the environment. The thermal comfort of ACP sheets also helps in saving energy bills.
2. Reflects less heat – As per reports, the earth’s environment is getting hotter by 2% every year due to glass sheets. ACP sheets reflects very less heat which makes them safer for the environment. Apart from this, they are also very easy to install and required least maintenance.
3. Fire retardant – One of the most unique feature of ACP sheet is that it is fire retardant and the best quality ACP sheets can easily withstand fire for at least three hours. ACP sheets also release very less smoke as compared to plastic and wood and whatever smoke is released is water vapour which is nontoxic. These panels do not release any harmful gases which pose a danger to the outside environment.
4. Easy Installation – Installing ACP sheets are extremely easy. The fitting process does not require breaking the wall or any other complications. Due to less complications during fitting, there is no dust pollution which is happening, thus keeping your dust free.
In the recent times, government is constantly putting pressure on construction companies to use materials which are eco-friendly and ACP sheets are one of the prime materials which are immensely eco-friendly and pose no threat to the environment or public health.